Everyday Tips and Tricks to Give Your Body a Boost

It’s no secret that exercise and eating right are the biggest ways to improve – or stay – healthy. But if a demanding schedule of work, school and activities has you feeling a bit worn out, there are plenty of easy things you can do every day to give your body the boost that it needs. Give these formidable tricks a try:

1. Drink More Water More Often. There are oh so many reasons why getting your eight cups of water a day is important – so it’s time to get sipping! Aim to add one more glass a day to your usual intake. But if drinking a plain ‘ol glass of water seems like a chore, then jazz up your H2O. A cup of hot water, lemon and a drop of honey is one of our favorite ways to get more H2O during the colder months. You can also infuse your water with any variety of fruits and herbs. Try out this Very Berry Water recipe, or relax with some Spa-aaaah! Water!

2. Make Half Your Plate Fruits & Veggies. It doesn’t matter whether you’re eating breakfast or dinner or dining at home or in a restaurant, the more colorful you make your plate, the more likely you are to get the vitamins, minerals and fiber your body needs.

3. Eat More Healthy Carbs. No you’re not dreaming! Carbohydrates are your body’s main source of fuel, so focus on eating complex carbs like brown rice, high-fiber cereal, fruits, vegetables and beans. These healthy carbs will provide lasting energy and nourish your body. Full of brown rice, kidney beans and black beans, give the right carbs in this Mexican Bean and Rice Salad a try. You could also try this Overnight Oatmeal and add extra fuel by topping with Ocean Spray Craisins® Original Dried Cranberries.

4. Speaking of Carbs … Mix Them With Protein. When you find your energy levels dipping midmorning or midafternoon, having a snack will help. But the most energizing snacks offer a mixture of healthy carbs and protein, which will rev your metabolism and power you through to your next meal. Sodexo shared some helpful ideas, such as a banana with peanut butter, crackers with almond butter or hummus, and oatmeal with nuts.

5. Sprinkle Some Chia. Feeling a bit sluggish and need some energy? Get it from chia seeds! They’re packed with a revitalizing combo of B vitamins, fiber and protein, so they pick you up without making you jittery. You can simply stir them into your yogurt (we love Dannon Oikos Greek Yogurt) and you’re set!

6. Get Up and Get Moving. Moving stimulates circulation, which allows more oxygen to be transported to your muscles and brain. And more oxygen means more energy! So try taking 60- to 90- second minibreaks throughout the day to get your blood flowing. Once an hour, simply stand up and stretch your arms over your head, take a deep breath, swing your arms from side to side, or walk up and down a flight or two of stairs.

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