6 Ways to Track Your Training

In need of a workout buddy? Good news! You already have the perfect workout partner in your hands – your mobile device. Nearly 80% of people have their smartphones with them 22 hours a day. So why not use a couple of these hours to work on your fitness goals? Here are 6 ways you can use your smart phone to track your fitness journey:

  1. Selfies. Selfies have become increasingly popular, but have you ever thought to use them to document your progress? Snap selfies before a workout, after a workout or while preparing healthy snacks. Taking photos allows you to record every step of your fitness journey and can serve as quick motivation to continue working hard.
  2. Sharing your goals. Research shows that if you set a goal and announce it to the world then you are more likely to stick with it. Whether you’re trying to drink more water or incorporate more vegetables into your meals, use your mobile device to text, call, tweet, post or blog about your health goals. Announcing your goals to your network will help keep you on track and accountable.
  3. Find community. You aren’t the only person documenting your health journey online. Join the crowd and find a supportive community. You can use hash tags such as #transformationtuesday or websites such as SparkPeople.com to connect with other individuals who are using social media platforms to document their healthier lifestyles.
  4. There’s an app for that! Want some stylish workout clothes? Use your phone to online shop. Need a new workout routine? Download workout apps such as Nike Training Club. Want to try a new recipe? Check out the Pinterest app. Want to know where to get local produce? Use Locavore and you’ll know exactly where to find the closest farmer’s markets.
  5. Sync it up. Connect your wireless headphones to your device and get your heart pumping with some fresh tunes. You can also track your calorie burn during a workout by wirelessly connecting your activity tracker to your smart phone.
  6. Boost your motivation with apps like Charity Miles and Run4Good, which enable you to earn money for causes you believe in simply by tracking your bikes, walks or runs. Each mile you complete will be even more rewarding because you’ll know you’re helping support organizations that are making the world a better place.

How does your smartphone or mobile device help you track your fitness journey? Tell us in the comments!

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