11 Questions with … The Honest Company’s Co-Founder Christopher Gavigan

Editor’s Note: 11 Questions with … is a regular series profiling some of our favorite bloggers, athletes, celebrities and real moms and dads. Find other installments here.


Honest Company MainChristopher Gavigan is co-founder and Chief Purpose Officer of The Honest Company, which was launched in 2012 with a mission to inspire and empower people to live a happy and healthy life. He is also a champion for children’s health (former CEO of national non-profit Healthy Child Healthy World), acclaimed author (wrote the best-selling book “Healthy Child Healthy World: Creating a Cleaner, Greener, Safer Home”), speaker, and social entrepreneur.

The Honest Company provides 100+ safe, effective, and delightful products across a wide range of consumer categories, including baby, personal care, home care, and vitamins and supplements, to a passionate community of consumers united by values and style. Christopher’s commitment and consciousness have been instrumental in spreading awareness about children’s environmental health and providing actionable information to millions of homes worldwide.


1. If you were stranded on a deserted island, and only one vegetable grew on that island, what vegetable would you want it to be? That’s easy: Potatoes. They are nutrient dense (with ample protein), are filling, can be stored for relatively long periods of time, and can be cooked and prepared in many uniquely delicious and savory ways.

2. What is your healthiest habit? Deciding to switch to a plant based diet 22 years ago. Despite the myth that vegetarians lack protein, I believe a healthy, plant-based diet when done right will provides me with all the nutrients my body needs.

3. What is your go-to nutritious breakfast? I’m not a big breakfast person. I usually just drink a kombucha and then have my first meal around lunchtime.

4. What are the 3 items that are always in your fridge/pantry? Kombucha. Hummus. Carrots.

5. What is your favorite workout? Yoga and cross-fit.

6. Who is your fitness hero? That’s a tie between Rich Roll and Brendan Brazier.

7. How do you take your water – sparkling, flat, over ice? Flat. Room Temperature. (Same as my Tequila.)

8. What is your guilty pleasure? Dark chocolate. Over 85%. Preferably raw.

9. What is your healthy eating philosophy? Drinking a TON of water (half my body weight in ounces). Eating like my grandmother – unprocessed, whole foods (thank you Michael Pollan). Eating in moderation.

10. What is your go-to nutritious family dinner dish? Vegetarian chili or pancakes (breakfast for dinner is fun!).

11. What is the best health advice you’ve ever received? Sleep more! It’s under valued and under achieved (especially by a parent of 4 with an abundant, purpose-filled professional life)

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