Tips for Making Healthier Choices at Restaurants

Between family obligations, work, school, unending activities – oh, and the holidays – it’s a busy busy world. And in today’s busy world, most of us are eating and drinking about one-third of our calories away from home, which makes healthful decisions all that more difficult.

At this time of the year when many families are attending numerous holiday gatherings and traveling to be with loved ones, it’s especially important to understand what’s on the menu when you eat out. The good news: You can eat heart-healthy if you know what to look for.

Many hotels and restaurants nationwide have updated their menus and offerings to help you make informed and healthful decisions about your meals and snacks. For example, Subway Restaurants have moved forward with posting calorie counts on menus nationally, Westin Hotels and Resorts are featuring a variety of superfoods on their SuperFoodsRx™ menus around the globe, and the Hyatt Hotels are cultivating portion-controlled and balanced offerings at their properties, always making it easy for you to stay healthy while on the go.

Here are 5 tips to help you make wise choices when dining out:

1. Size up calories. Many restaurant menus now offer calorie counts on their menu. Make the most of that information by following this simple tip to size up calories when comparing and choosing individual menu items:

2. Limit add-ons. To help you control the quantity that you consume, ask for butter, cream cheese, dressings, syrups, and sauces to be served on the side. Then use less.

3. Watch portion sizes. When possible, choose smaller portion sizes, such as a small French fries instead of a large, or an appetizer instead of a full-sized entrée. Manage larger portions by splitting an entrée with a dinner companion or take home part of your meal.

4. Pick healthier options. Order baked, broiled, or grilled (not fried) lean meats including turkey, chicken, seafood, or sirloin steak, and pick dishes that include more fruits, vegetables and whole grains. You can always ask whether healthy substitutions are available. For example, instead of French fries, ask if you can get a small salad, fruit or vegetables instead. Although some substitutions may cost a little extra, the health benefits are well worth it.

5. Drink water. As you might imagine, around here, we’re big fans of water. Many other drinks usually contain “empty” calories that you just don’t need, and what could be more refreshing than water spiked with vitamin C-rich citrus fruits? Add a squeeze of lemon or lime to still water, or jazz it up with some fizz and ask for club soda.

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