Recipe: Spicy Garlic Portabella Burger

Where’s the beef? No one will miss it with these delectable Spicy Garlic Portabella Burgers from The Mushroom Council. The delectable portabella mushroom happens to be the mature version of criminis that are harvested when fully grown, which makes these fungi meaty, juicy and the perfect size and shape of a burger. Perfect for a vegetarian healthy lunch or dinner meal that even a meat lover would love.




Preheat oven to 425°F.

Clean mushrooms and removed the stems carefully. Using a pastry brush, brush smoked olive oil on caps of the Portabellas. Flip cap over onto a greased, foil-wrapped baking sheet. Spread 1 Tbsp of garlic spread on each mushroom’s underside, leaving space in the middle. Crack an egg in middle.

Top with chopped parsley and garlic salt. Insert tray into oven for about 2-3 minutes, until you hear or see that the egg has started to fry. Flip over and cook for another 10-15 minutes so allow more water to escape from the portabella.

Spread remaining garlic spread onto buns. Top with kale and tomato.

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