July Belongs to Blueberries

The temperature outside is rising and that means that farmers markets, grocery stores and gardens are bursting with the berry best, freshest fruits, which means now is the time to fall back in love with these summer treasures. July just so happens to be National Blueberry Month AND the peak season for blueberries, one of nature’s most powerful superfoods.

Fresh blueberries are a joy to eat, especially straight from the berry patch in the summer. They’re bursting with flavor, delivering a hit of sweetness to whatever dish you add them to. They’re also packed full of antioxidants and high in vitamin C, which helps support your immune system, control blood pressure and promote healthy teeth and gums.

So the next time you gather with friends and family at a barbeque, enjoy a picnic outdoors, or are looking for a delicious start to your day, top off your summer celebrations with these scrumptious blueberry recipes:

Begin your day with:

Cool off while enjoying:

Kick off an amazing meal with:

Feel good about your meal with:


Pro Tip: When buying blueberries, look for plump, firm, fresh berries that are a light, powdery blue-gray. If refrigerated, fresh blueberries will keep for up to three weeks. Stock up on blueberries when they are in season, and you can freeze them in a single layer on a rimmed baking sheet. Once they are frozen solid, transfer to a freezer-safe container to enjoy year round!

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