Get Psyched for Cycling


Looking to boost your mood? Increase your attention span? Improve your health? According to Dr. Lindsay Thornton of RTSG Neuroscience, it’s as easy as riding a bike.

At the PHA 2015 Building a Healthier Future Summit, Dr. Thornton discussed the importance of bike riding as part of fit lifestyle. In a joint study conducted with Specialized Bike Components, Dr. Thornton found that middle-schoolers who rode bikes for a half-hour before school decreased their waist lines and BMIs—all in just a month’s time. Additionally, students achieved higher test scores, and those with ADHD reported improved attention spans.

The research team is now looking to make biking more accessible to kids by incorporating it into physical education programs during the school day. Meantime, here are a few ways to make cycling part of your family’s routine:

  1. Happy Trails. Keep rides fresh by exploring new routes. Sites like TrailLink help you find bike paths to explore in your area.
  2. Take a Spin. If the outdoors isn’t your thing, try a spin class! Fun music and a group atmosphere will make your next ride a total party (NOTE: The age minimum for most spin classes is 12 years, though check with your local studio before signing up).
  3. A Family Affair. Planning your next family vacation? Try a bikation (biking vacation)! They’re fun, affordable, and will introduce your kids to new locations in an interactive way. For ideas, check out this list for the ten best biking vacations for families.


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