5 Herbs to Grow Now, 20 Meals to Make Later

When it comes to creations in the kitchen, how does Martha Stewart make a good thing a really good thing?

Maybe it’s by starting with the good things she grows in her garden, like fresh herbs.

If you’re new to gardening, you can ease into it by planting herbs that can be grown in small spaces – even indoors if necessary. Most herbs require minimal upkeep and can make a HUGE difference in the freshness and flavor of your meal-time creations.

And with grilling season right around the corner, now is the perfect time for you and your family to break ground in the garden so that by the time you’re ready to fire up the grill, you’ll have a whole mess of herbs to use. For inspiration, we’ve tracked down 20 flavorful, satisfying meals featuring five of our favorite herbs: cilantro, rosemary, basil, parsley and thyme.

1) Sizzle it with CILANTRO.

2) Rack it up with ROSEMARY.

3) Baste it in BASIL.

4) Partner it with PARSLEY.

5) Take in a good THYME.

If you’re hankering for a tasty side to go along with these favorites that uses fresh herbs (and will have you dreaming of summer), Birds Eye serves up this awesome Grilled Watermelon with Sweet Corn & Balsamic Drizzle.

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