10 Fun Workouts That Don’t Feel Like Exercise

There’s a workout hidden inside of plenty of fun activities. After all, you don’t have to be trapped in a gym to get a great workout. In fact, some of the best workouts are the ones that don’t feel like workouts at all, but instead feel like fun and exciting experiences.

Maybe you’re surrounded by friends who keep you laughing and engaged, or you’re trying something new that’s challenging and exhilarating, or you’re (quite literally) playing a game. No matter what your fitness level or style, we’ve compiled 10 ways that you can get fit while having fun:

1. Hiking

There’s no better way to burn calories and enjoy the beauty of the great outdoors than with a scenic hike. Grab a group of friends, pick a trail, lace up your best hiking boots and explore the woods. Hiking counts as cardio, but it also builds muscle as you climb over rocks, trek up hills or anything else a trail might throw at you!

2. Geocaching

Become a real life treasure-hunter and get a great workout in while you’re at it. This is an outdoor activity where you use GPS or another navigational technique to hide and seek containers (geocaches) at specific locations all over the world! It’s the adventurists dream brought to life.

3. Dancing

Ever tried serious swing dancing? You’ll be sweating within 10 minutes. How about hip hop? Zumba? Tango? Flamenco? You’d be surprised what you can sign up for and what will elevate your heart rate. You don’t have to know a single thing about dance to just start moving your body to the music until you work up a sweat. Need some inspiration? Here are 10 Tunes to Get You Moving!

4. Active Video Games

Looking to combine the fun and excitement of a game with the benefits of exercise? That’s the idea behind the gamification of fitness! Check out Blue Goji’s motion-based virtual reality games. The Nintendo Wii has a number of sports and activities to get you moving: Wii Tennis, Wii Fit, yoga and even bowling! For your younger children, check out LeapFrog, a gamified, fitness-focused activity tracker.

5. Swimming

Swimming is one of the best workouts you can get. You’ll end up using every muscle in your body to keep yourself going. In fact, swimming can burn just as many calories as running or other cardio-intense activities, if not more. Kill two birds with one stone with these pool exercises, which offer a full-body workout. Even as you’re doing it, it doesn’t quite feel like a workout. You’re in a pool, after all. And being in a pool is fun.

6. Jump On a Trampoline

Get ready to jump, flip and bounce off walls – with a huge, goofy smile on your face. Channel your inner child and spend an hour on a trampoline. Did you know that 10 minutes on a trampoline is equivalent to 30 minutes on a treadmill? You’ll get great cardio exercise without setting foot in a gym.

7. Try a New Sport

When you’re learning something new, you’re much more likely to focus on the skills you need to learn and all the fun you’re having rather than the fact that you’re getting exercise. Join a community sports league: softball, soccer, basketball, flag football or even Ultimate Frisbee. You will have a blast and get your exercise in at the same time.

8. Dig Your Garden

Whether you have a large landscape, small city lot or garden in containers, indoors or out, this is your opportunity to go out and burn off calories and have fun doing it. You may not realize it, but gardening is one of the best workouts, with many types of exercise built in. Plus, you will be nurturing beautiful flowers or bouquets and fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs for your dinner table.

9. Hula Hoop

If the last time you used a hula hoop was when you were on the playground, it’s time to pick up a new hoop – for fun and health! And what’s not to love about this super-fun workout? It burns mega calories, sculpts your body, and blasts off belly fat. For a little inspiration, try this quick and effective workout.

10. Bike

Every city and town is full of unexplored neighborhoods and areas. Why not jump on your bike and check out the sites. TrailLink can help you and your family find nearby biking paths and different kinds of terrain to explore with friends and family.


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